This Repair Menu item is for a variety of miscellaneous repairs. Please contact Michelangelo to see which option you need for what you are looking for. This is a "plug in" SKU depending on what you need. Please do not just randomly put this in your cart without contacting Michelangelo at 708-453-4900. Be well and be safe.
I am sorry, there is no refund, exhange or return of items made or cut to order.
3 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Exceptional Quick Processing. Great Product
What a find. I was looking for a way to modify my Milanos to add Velcro to the inner strap. Michaelangelo did a masterful job and turned it around quickly.
Elastic holding buckles
The replacement elastics holding the buckles on my Tracys will extend their lives for years to come!
Top Shoppe
For decades I've been having my birks repaired, this guy is the guy when you need to know and have a guy, that repairs and sells all things Birkenstock. Best work I've ever seen and the only guy I'll ever send my shoes to.